Important Update for Peridot

Hey all,

It's with a heavy heart that I announce some important changes to Peridot. I hold some core values close to my heart, values that I've poured into building the platform. Recently, circumstances have evolved in a way that makes it difficult for me to continue operating Peridot with a clear conscience.

Therefore, I've made the decision to take the following steps:

  • Indefinite hiatus on new member signups: Effective immediately, Peridot will no longer be accepting new users. This wasn't an easy choice, but it feels like the right one for now. Rest assured, existing members will still be able to post, view, and enjoy everything Peridot has to offer. There won't be any disruption to your current experience.
  • Transition to new domain: Starting January 17, the domain will no longer be accessible. However, the journey doesn't end there! You can still access Peridot via either or
  • Development and support winding down: While I'm incredibly proud of what we've built together, I've decided to step away from active development and support for Peridot. This means there won't be any new features or bug fixes going forward.

I want to express my deepest thanks to each and every one of you who've been a part of the Peridot community. The platform wouldn't be what it is without your creativity, passion, memes, and jokes.

While the future of Peridot remains uncertain, I hope you'll continue to find connection and expression in the other corners of the internet. Who knows, maybe someday our paths will cross again on a different platform, under different circumstances.

Once more, thank you for being a part of this journey.
